Safety Policy


Our aim is to build, maintain and continuously enhance OHS knowledge and capabilities from a design perspective and to develop HEC’s safety culture to support continuous WH&S improvement.

Our WH&S objectives are to:

  1. comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, codes of practice, State and territory authorities, and the AS 4801:2001 WH&S Standard;
  2. include WH&S and risk management principles in all stages of a project;
  3. ensure the systematic identification, assessment, and management of WH&S hazards and associated risks;
  4. fully comply with the Safety in Design requirements defined within the Commonwealth Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations;
  5. consult with, and involve our employees, sub-consultants and key stakeholders and other parties in ways to reduce workplace hazards and to improve decision-making on WH&S matters and our WH&S systems;
  6. allocate suitable resources in order to comply with relevant statutory and regulatory obligations, advisory standards and industry standards - providing adequate resources to ensure work health safety is a central part of the organisation;
  7. promote and ensure open, honest, effective and timely WH&S communication, consultation and coordination with project stakeholders;
  8. define and communicate roles and responsibilities for WH&S;
  9. communicate WH&S expectations and provide ongoing WH&S education and training (including WHS issues in design) to our employees, providing information, instruction and training for staff to increase personal understanding of workplace hazards and to ensure proper risk management and appropriate supervision;
  10. distribute WH&S information, including this policy, to all employees and interested parties, ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is communicated to all employees, contractors and other site workers involved in HEC Projects;
  11. confirm that all employees are competent and sufficiently knowledgeable in WH&S to perform their duties, for which they are employed, in a safe and productive manner;
  12. ensure incidents are reported and investigated, and lessons are learnt within the organisation;
  13. take prompt action when WH&S deficiencies are identified;
  14. ensure effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to employees, when necessary;
  15. set short and long-term WH&S performance targets for the business, our teams and individuals as part of HEC's WH&S Management System, with the aim of measuring and reviewing our WH&S performance and for continual improvement in WH&S management; and
  16. regularly audit, review and report on HEC's health and safety performance, and where required take actions to ensure WH&S Objectives and performance targets are met.

The Director is committed to the communication, enthusiastic promotion and implementation of this policy. All staff are encouraged to strive to achieve WH&S objectives and be committed to:

  1. providing and maintaining a safe work environment for our people and others who may be exposed to activities under our control and anyone else that may be affected through our project activities. This commitment extends to controlling the hazards and risks that have the potential to harm to both people and the environment.
  2. maintaining high standards of safe work methods and practices; and
  3. continual improvement and meeting the WH&S requirements of the Integrated Management System through the pursuit of our WH&S Objectives.

Safety Policy